
As this is Burns Night and the world will be toasting the health of our national bard I thought this poem should examine the faults and flaws which made Robert Burns the man he was. I make no appologies for tackling this poem from an unashamedly female perspective nor for openly admitting why I would have fallen for his charms had I had the chance. I’ve given it the title Seduced I hope you enjoy the read


Seduced by his roguish good looks

many women fell into his arms his ability with words

could charm anyone he liked

a pioneer for the rights of ordinary people

his flirtatious nature and womanising ways

led to condemnation from the kirk

who told those in the pews

of the dangers of the demons

drink and fornication

and warned them that hell awaited

those who indulged in intimate relations

outside the marriage bed

not that this stopped Rabbie

in his wandering

trust me ladies this guy

had a roving eye that put Casanova to shame

fron bedrooms to barns

he’d find a lass to keep him warm

in the warmest and coldest of seasons

a farmer he planted seeds all over Ayrshire and beyond

it has to be said he was fond of the lassies

and held sex education classes

in the way he thought nature intended

now some will say it was just his way

whilst others will claim it was his shame

to treat women with less respect than men

and that this was sexism which can’t be disguised

no matter how good his poems and songs may be

I would tend to agree with the latter assessment of his character

and admit that the farmer’s boy had flaws

just like the rest of us

though god knows I would have been seduced by his flattery

if he had wanted a night in the barn

© Gayle Smith 2020