From Dad To Diana

This poem is one of the most personal I have ever written. It is based on meeting an old friend from my university days and attempting to imagine how she would explain my transition to those of our friends that she still keeps in touch with from those times. I have of course made a few demographic changes to make it more like a poetic story and more relatable to the reader but believe me this poem is more semi autobiographical than it may first appear. I’ve given it the title From Dad To Diana as suggested by my friend and fellow blogger Charlotte Dougall I hope you enjoy the read.

From Dad To Diana

He was always the brainbox at school

sensible played by the rules

kept himself smart

buried his head in the books

went to university got a degree in geography

that was his route out of poverty

moved from the scheme to the west end

married well found a woman

who let him express his feminine side

she was an architect if I remember right

I met him in town with his three daughters

it had been over 20 years since graduation

he was now she and all dolled up

she said she was living full time as a woman

told me it made her feel more human

and the lassies are cool with her switching

from dad to Diana

the youngest said the name suits her

it let’s her be herself and she’s happier now

than she’s ever been

it’s such a shame she had to live with this secret

since her early teens

I had always wondered why

she had dressed as a woman at Halloween

and smiled more than she did

for the rest of the year

I see it clearer now

it was the only night

she could really be herself.

and when all else is said and done

she deserves to have the fun

that Cyndi Lauper sang about time after time

in the years when she should have been dancing

© Gayle Smith 2019