Sized Up

As the party season approaches I think many women will identify with the sentiments expressed in this poem on shopping and especially when purchasing that must have dress you know the one that will get you admiring glances from all the right admirers. I’ve given it the title Sized Up I hope you enjoy the read.

Sized Up

Looking For dresses
I want to impress
a possible suitor
in the hope they’ll say yes
to misseltoe magic
and burning desires
cuddling up
in front of the fire

I want to go classy
I think of the length
nothing too long
I’ll be showing some leg
it won’t reveal too much
it will hide what needs must
well my date needs to know
I’m a girl he can trust

as I look through the rails
I’ve seen some I like
there have even been a few
where the price was just right
till I look at the labels
and start to dispair
as I’m still on the lookout
for something to wear

I need a new dress
and I’m climbing the wall
for an outfit to make me
the belle of the ball
I continue the search
till I finally see
the dress that I know
will be perfect for me

well it’s just the right colour
and the style suits my shape
I’ll be dressed to impress
when I go on my date
selecting an outfit
needs patience and luck
but l love how I feel
when my dress is sized up

© Gayle Smith 2018